How Youtube Shorts will Helps to grow our Youtube Channel



How Youtube Shorts will Help to Grow our Youtube Channel

Here i’m going to show you how to utilize youtube shorts to grow your youtube channel faster. In this competitive world you have to put more hard work and smart work to get success in it.

Youtube is the top most platform for content creators to make money from it. Just creating a youtube channel and putting videos is only not help you to grow among other creators.

You have to adapt to the audience convenience and audience taste of viewing the content. And also utilize the new features which are introduced around the internet.

In that way youtube itself introduced their tik tok like feature where we can upload short videos and it is named as Shorts.


What is Shorts

Shorts is video sharing platform not more than 1 minute like Tik Tok and Reels. You can make videos under 1 minute and upload it in youtube which engage with more audience than usual.

This feature helps many Tik Tok and reels creators to expand their audience in youtube and they can also make money through this platform.

It also encourage youtube content creators to make short videos as a promotion for their channel.


How Shorts Algorithm Work

Shorts are made only for mobile mode not for desktop. Tik tok and reels can be viewed in both modes. But Shorts are made for mobile users alone. Because almost everyone have smartphones with them when compared to Computer.

In youtube you can find there is shorts section in the bottom of the youtube app, there you can find many creators short videos by scrolling  like tik tok and reels.

In upload section there you can be asked for create a short, upload a video, post and live. There you can upload your short videos in the create a short section.

But you can upload only 10 short videos per day.  Nobody knows how shorts are working, how the algorithm performs, anything will become trending according to shorts.

If you think this video will go high and another one will go low views, but it not works like that. Some videos will go trending and some videos will get low views.

Shorts also recommended under the videos recommended section. This one will gives you more views than any other way.

How to Use Youtube Shorts to Promote our Channel

Many famous or developed youtubers are creating a new dedicated channel only for posting shorts to promote their main channel and also making their shorts channel to money making platform.

If you are beginner to youtube who likes to build your career in it. Then you have to put shorts in your main channel itself. Don’t make solo shorts channel, because your channel will not grow if you open a solo dedicated shorts channel for your main channel.

Put shorts according to the main content. Shorts should be short glimpse or introduction for your main video which drive more viewers to your main video and also helps to get more subscribers for your channel.

Try to post engaging shorts to attract people and to click the link for your main video. By doing this method will makes your channel always live.

I’m doing this method which gives me more followers and viewers to my channel. If you follow this method your channel will get minimum 100,000 Subscribers in one month.

But your content should be attractive and informative that helps to people’s problem solving . This type of videos only will get more attraction to viewers.


Why Youtube Shorts are More Successful

Because shorts provide a long content video in a short form while it is liked by most of the viewers as they don’t want to waste time in long video stuffs and the internet data will get lost if you seeing just 5-8 long videos.

This is the main cause people gets attracted to shorts. Also there are many creators who show their talent in shorts and become popular in a couple of months.

Everyone will prefer 10 short videos instead of one long video. Because of these benefits only will give more views and subscribers to your channel.


After creating a strong community in your main channel then you can create a separate dedicated Shorts channel that will more useful for your career building.

Thank you…

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